Friday, September 10, 2010

Blackfoot Fair

We had a wonderful time with our good friends at the Blackfoot fair! Alx and her family meet us there and we watched her dad Skeeter in the rodeo finals! He did awesome, I'm so glad we were there to cheer him on! They spent the night and Jaxyn got to skip school to enjoy all the fun things! Of course Hatcher was in heaven with all the animal barns and cowboys around! I think that kid could live in a barn! I hate to see summer end and fall begin, but it was a good way to end the summer!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany! Long LONG time, I know... It's your long lost pen-pal/cousin, Mikkel! Got talkin' about your family (I guess we will be seeing Gene and Harriett tomorrow in St. George) and looked to see if you had a blog/facebook, and found ya!! Hope you don't mind!

    You have THE CUTEST little family. I can't get over it! Seriously, your little cowgirl! Can I have her?! And little Hatcher, adorable. SO glad he's doing well. I had heard about his struggles. Brittany, life looks WONDERFUL and SO FUN for you! So fun to catch up on you (and feeling a bit stalkerish, haha!) It's crazy how we found ya, but your kids have such different names, your blog came right up on google... So glad! So fun! My mom loved seeing all the pictures, too :) Anyway, my blog is private, but you can email me at! So happy for you!
