Saturday, March 19, 2011

Surgery Postponed

We made it to California! Hatcher did well in the cath lab Wednesday, they had to do a few coils in his heart so he stayed the night. It was a rough night for the poor little guy, but all in all it went well and we were able to come back to the apartment. His surgery has been postponed till Monday, I am so anxious and wishing we could get this over and done with, but for now we are enjoying our family and trying to sneak in a little fun!


  1. Hi, darlin! This is Jaimie. Our prayers are with you! Give us a call - we are in Mountain View. 208-251-6554 - we'll do anything we can to you!

  2. Our prayers are with you. I was wondering all week how his surgery went, only to find out, in church, that it is on Monday. Our ward is praying for Hatcher and we are thinking and praying for your family.

  3. Thinking of you guys and especially Hatcher. You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. We love you all very much.

    Auntie Carolyn

  4. Hatcher is a brave heart little fighter. Bitty like a princess of your family. I like them photos.
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