Friday, May 13, 2011


All of the Respiratory treatments are paying off ... clear lungs!
One of Hatcher's favorite night RT's Dennis ... we will miss you and good luck with your new endeavors!

I feel like this is what we are always doing ... treatments!

After Hatcher's CT his dinner tray came and he was so happy to see a hot dog!

Jerry ... look out for that rope!

Fun with Rachel!

Jaxyn and Zelee, so fun to have new friends ... her little sister just had her fontan too!

Thanks Erica and family for the fun box! You couldn't have picked better stuff. Entertaining a 3 year old all day in the hospital is a full time job! We love Uno Moo ... a new favorite!

And the results are ..... TERRIFIC! Hatcher's CT results came back clear! It was some much needed good news. Hatcher has been having nightmares and crying in his sleep saying, "Please don't hurt me," and "I don't want to wear a mask." It really has been breaking my heart and the night before the CT I kept thinking what are we doing to this poor little guy. So to hear there were no casts and it did not appear that there was any severe lung damage was just what I needed to hear! We feel so blessed and once again feel like we are back in the game! All of the vest, tPA and 3 other nebulizer treatments are working. Our goal now is to ween down treatments. Hatcher will have to continue tPA even once we are at home, but we are so grateful for extra time with him. I guess my full time job will be tPA administer and nurse! His future is still unknown but we are celebrating today and the joy we feel getting more time with our little cowboy - a big ye-ha!


  1. Oh Brittany, I'm literally crying I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad. What a blessing! I hope things continue to look positive!

  2. Wow! What great news! So happy things are looking up! You all deserve some good news, so happy some finally arrived. Love you guys!

  3. I am so glad to hear the good news, You deserve it!

  4. So glad to hear the great news - we rejoice with you!

  5. Happy Day! Happy Day! Yee Ha! Such great news :)

  6. WOW!!!! Miracles still happen today - what a comfort that is! You are an inspiration and we love you guys!!

  7. I am so HAPPY for this news! Lots of love to all of you always!

  8. Hooray!!!!!!!! Miracles happen and prayers are answered :-)
